Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hobbies: Thinking Of Scrapbooking?

Many who suddenly get the scrap booking bug say they started when they realized that so few pictures were taken of them as cute little tykes - and they want to make things better for their own children. What ever the reason, scrap booking has become a big business. There are estimates that over 4 million people, almost all of them women, gather for "crop-alongs" or "power layouts" every month! All these people are on the lookout for new and exciting scrap booking ideas and share their thoughts and techniques on how to create that perfect keepsake.

So many people are seeing that life is short, and they want to preserve family memories for their children. With today's ever mobile society and families spread across the country (and the world), it has become apparent that one way to keep everyone current with what's going on in your life is to utilize scrapbooks to chronicle everyday life.

In simple terms, scrap booking is the practice of combining photographs, memorabilia, and written narratives, poetry, quotations, stories, or other textual content into a scrapbook style album. A few scrapbooks are mass produced, but most are unique, singular publications. They can contain an accumulation of all sorts of objects such as newspaper clippings, magazine articles, play bills, ticket stubs, pressed flowers, and locks of hair.

Scrapbooks are often embellished with ribbon or other pieces of fabric, colorful graphics, and other artwork. These artifacts of history are attached to the album pages. Many different types of scrapbooks have been made including family histories, personal journals and memories, and historical records of organizations, military units, and other groups.

Personal scrapbooks provide a unique view into the thoughts, lives, and activities of their creator(s). Some of the best and most valuable scrapbooks are simple, focused documents that are directed to one single topic or subject. As stated above, scrap booking is the fastest growing craft industry in the United States. The advent of computers has expanded the techniques available for producing, duplicating, and distributing scrapbooks. For example, some personal websites are virtual scrapbooks.

If you're addicted to scrap booking and want to have fun creating lasting memories - whether you're a beginner or an experienced scrap booker - scrap booking supplies are readily available from many online sites from the basic essentials to the latest product trends. Get your choice of albums, scrapbook paper packs, embellishments, stamps, adhesives, trimmers and helpful products to keep everything organized. You can count on all the reputable online merchants for high-quality scrapbook supplies and affordable prices.

To create a scrapbook, you need the right material. From ribbons and bows to photo material and albums—all the necessary scrap booking supplies you need are available online. There are books to help you get started and loads of advice to help guide you along the way to create your own masterpiece.
There are even websites to answer your questions and the many online catalogers and merchants have everything you need to complete your project. Just point and click and you'll be on your way to making a treasured family keepsake.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time To Plan Retirement

Thinking of retiring? Keep in mind that today's retirees are more active than ever.

Here are five areas you should ponder before you retire:

The first thing to consider when you're thinking retirement is where you would you like to live. Is there somewhere you have always wanted to live? Should you be close to you family? What will the cost of living be in my ideal location? How about the weather? Shall I just stay where I am?

The second thing to ask yourself is: "Do I have enough money to support my retirement?" Have you set aside enough money to allow you to live where and how you want to. There is no correct answer to this question. It depends on the goals you have marked out for yourself and your family.

The third item is the idea of continuing to work after your retirement. For example I have never wanted not to continue to work. I enjoy what I do. I have friends, however, that hate their jobs and can't wait to tell the boss to shove it!

The fourth consideration is your health. As you get older this area of your life begins to occupy much of your time and money. You should discuss this area with your doctor and always be honest with yourself regarding how you feel and how your health is doing.

Finally, an important question to consider is whether or not you are really ready to retire. Only you can answer this question. I've known many men and women who have retired and gone fishing or became volunteers. After a couple of months of fishing and watching TV they were back in the work force.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Protection From Identity Theft

The Federal Trade Commission claims "Your Chances of becoming victimized by some form of identity theft is one in ten," According to the Spam Law website, "As many as 10 million Americans a year are victims of identity theft."

What Is Identity Theft?
Identity theft is when the identity thief steals your personal information, then uses the information to claim they are you in order to steal your financial identity.

How Do Identity Thieves Get Your Personal Information?
There are many ways your personal information can be stolen. Here are a only a few:

-From your wallet, purse, or checkbook.
-From your mailbox.
-From statements and receipts found in the trash.
-From a computer where your personal information is kept.

Who Is An Identity Thief?
Studies have shown that many identity thieves are people the you know and trust. Others are:

-Those criminals who stumble upon your personal information
-Those criminals actively seeking victims
-Your roommates.
-Person you meet at a social gatherings.
-Your housekeeper or anyone having access to your home.
-Persons posing as representatives of banks, internet service providers, or some other officially-sounding-organizations.

Tips To Help Protect Your Identity:

-Always use your Social Security Number with extreme caution and only when necessary.
-Find out who has access to your personal information where you work, your doctor's office, or other business that collect your personal information.
-Never provide personal information on the phone, through the mail, or on the internet if you do not know those requesting the information.
-When choosing a password, avoid using obvious information such as your birth date, your phone number.
-Watch out for offers, such as lottery and sweepstakes, requesting your personal information.

Steps You Can Take To Restore Your Identity:

-Immediately file your complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.
-Obtain a police report.
-Contact and provide a fraud notification alert to the Social Security Administration, all of your financial institutions, the 3 major credit bureaus, the Passport Office, The Department of Motor Vehicles, the Post Office, as well as the Medical Information Bureau .
-Cancel your credit cards.
-Place a notice on your bank accounts.

Where To Get More Information:

-The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act, known commonly as FACTA, was put into law in the United States to help to protect consumers from identity theft and to help in its prevention.

-Learn more about what you can do to protect your identity.
GO HERE: Protecting Your Identity

-Want some statistics?
GO HERE: Spam Laws

-To obtain a current credit report contact any of these major credit bureaus:
Equifax, For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-525-6285
Experian, For Fraud Alerts, call: 888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
Trans Union, For Fraud Alerts, call: 800-680-7289

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be Aware Of These Senior Illnesses!

The older we get the more we find ourselves being assaulted with diseases and ailments that may well kill us. Below is a brief discussion of a four common illnesses that seniors should be aware of:

CANCER - Many seniors are affected by cancer at some time in their lives. Lung and breast cancer are the most common types found in seniors, however, skin cancer is also a major concern among seniors. Although cancer can be treated with some success by modern medicine the more you age the less chance for full recovery. Keep in mind cancer detected in its early stage gives you, the senior, the best chance of recovery.

DEMENTIA - Dementia affects a large number of the elderly. Dementia is the result of a serious decrease in brain activity. What causes dementia is still unknown and therefore difficult to treat. Alzheimer's is the most common form of the

PARKINSON'S DISEASE - Parkinson's disease like dementia attacks the cells leading to the brain, however, the difference is that Parkinson's attacks the body and later the mind. In most cases the first sign is an uncontrollable shaking. There is no cure and medication is effective for only a short time .

DIABETES - Because the way seniors eat and live today many more are suffering from diabetes. The ageing body fights against the high fat and sugar intake. The disease is incurable, however, it can be controlled with medication and a
proper diet. The good news is diabetes will not cause death if properly treated. The bad news is amputation is a common side effect of illness caused by open wounds.

For more information review the books in the side panel.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Helpful Senior Diet!

The following article is from an email I received from Wings Of Success publishers.
Because I'm a cancer survivor with only a portion of a right kidney I found the information regarding salt worth noting.
Read and enjoy the information.

What did you eat this morning or today, for that matter? Did you
eat a well balanced diet that's full of whole grains, lean
proteins, vegetables and fruits?

Or, was your breakfast a cup of coffee and maybe a bagel, loaded
with cream cheese of course?

You are what you eat. The Standard American Diet is a term that's
been coined to describe the fast food crazy, greasy, fatty and high
sugared diet that most Americans eat. Even if you live on the
other side of the planet, chances are good that you aren't eating a
diet that's rich in the foods that are important to your aging

If you have a larger midsection to your body, then you have a high
risk of having a heart attack due to heart disease. Just a few
extra pounds are all it takes.

If you consume a diet that is rich in salt, you are destroying your
kidneys as well as some of the other organs in your body.

If you are eating fatty foods, you're killing you heart by
suffocating it under layers of cholesterol.

Diets that go from one extreme to the next are everywhere you look.
Those that facing a diet that is high in protein are still putting
their heart's at risk because of the increase cholesterol there.
Those that are following a low fat diet are doing the opposite.
They are not giving the body enough protein to build muscle mass,
which actually helps you to burn fat faster.

Because diets are so extreme, they rarely work for people that are
facing these conditions.

Don't forget to review the books in the side panel.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Senior Brain: Use It or Lose It!

I received the following email from Wings Of Success publishers.
I found it enlighting and thought provoking. I thought you might
also enjoy the information.

Wings Of Success publishers offers several good books for
the over 50 crowd. You will find them listed on the side panel
to the right.

Your brain is one of the most important things for you to take into
consideration in any health regimen. For the Baby Boomer, it is
even more vitally important to care for your brain.

Today, the number of Alzheimer's patients is quickly on the rise.
There are numerous situations in which people are forced to realize
that the years are slipping by and they no longer can keep a grasp
on time.

There are a number of things you can do, actually, each of them
offering their own benefit. Here are some.

Learning is one of the very best things you can do to your brain.
As you age, many stop doing new things and looking for new areas of
the world to explore. That is what starts the shut down of the
brain. Because you aren't using it as much, especially for new
things, you aren't making it function as much as it needs to.

When you keep your brain functioning, you encourage it to continue
to be active. On the other hand, if you don't, you lose the
necessary functions that you need.

Some ideas here include taking a new class, learning to do
something that you enjoy such as a new hobby, and even learning
history. You can take courses at your local community college or
start a discussion group about the books that you are reading.
Learn to plan a new instrument. Learn to cook like a professional.

Keeping your brain active is very important to your overall well
being. Without taking in these considerations, you put your brain
at risk for becoming ill and functioning less optimally. As you
can see, though, this is one of the most prosperous and easy parts
of the Baby Boomer's lifestyle that can be changed for the better!

Don't forget to review the books in the side panel.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Answers For Seniors...

The Reverse Mortgage Association:

The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association was established in 1997 to provide a variety for services for both those wishing to take advantage of reverse mortgages on their homes and lenders wishing to finance reverse mortgages.

The Reverse Mortgage Association has an educational program to aid senior citizens who have decided to take out a reverse mortgage as a way to remain financially independent The Reverse Mortgage Association has also established a Code of Conduct to which it expects reverse mortgage lenders to adhere in their dealings with senior citizens; it also has a training program in which reverse mortgage lenders are encouraged to participate.

How Reverse Mortgages Work

The Reverse Mortgage Association oversees a program in which homeowners sixty-two and older can turn a percentage of their home equity into non-taxable income while still retaining title to their homes. They are freed of the burden of a monthly mortgage payment, which they would otherwise have to accept by taking out a traditional home equity loan. The Reverse Mortgage Association oversees the activities of lenders who make the reverse mortgage payments to the senior homeowners.

A reverse mortgage does not have to be paid back until the home is no longer the borrowers’ principal residence, the borrowers pass way, the home is sold, or the borrowers leave it for good. And it the home is sold for an amount greater than the outstanding balance on the reverse mortgage, the borrowers, or their estates, can keep the difference. For more info see on Reverse Mortgage Information.

The Future Of Reverse Mortgages

With the Baby Boomer generation now entering their 60’s, the number of reverse mortgage loans is expected to increase dramatically. Because of that, it is more important than ever those senior citizens can trust the integrity of their lenders. The Reverse Mortgage Association has the job of verifying the quality and professionalism of reverse mortgage lenders and assuring that they will be an asset to the communities in which they do business.

The Reverse Mortgage Association holds a series of annual conferences for its member lenders, so that they can remain educated in the latest reverse mortgage issues, products, and borrower concerns.

For seniors who have been caught in the trap of dwindling IRA values, disappearing pensions, and rising health insurance costs, the idea of trying to survive in retirement on Social Security and little else may be devastating. A reverse home mortgage, from a lender who honors the Code of Conduct established by the Reverse Home Mortgage Association, could give them the secure retirement for which they are longing.